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3 Reasons to Love K-Pop and K-Dramas

In recent times, various aspects of Asian cultures have transcended borders and gained a following in the West. This is probably best exemplified by the Hallyu Wave, i.e. the soaring popularity of South Korean television dramas and music, commonly abbreviated to K-dramas and K-pop.

“They all look like girls!”

*add 5675968 more degrading comments*

But hold on…...

“Aren’t they all just soap operas?”

Now, your average K-pop or K-drama fan is probably used to the weird comments or judgement they sometimes get when they confess their love for K-entertainment.

While it’s unfortunate, K-pop and K-dramas are unfairly stereotyped into being “cheesy”, “over the top” or “weird”. As a defensive fangirl/critically analytical and 100% objective Arts student, my research tells me these statements are all lies. Here’s why you need to experience this enchanting new world with your own eyes, nose and lips:

​1. You get an insight into a new culture

Now this is definitely not to say that music or dramas are a reliable or accurate depiction of an unknown culture. Just like how all Australians don’t sound like Steve Irwin, K-pop or K-dramas most definitely are far away from the reality of what life in Korea would really be like. But while this is true, you can get a rough insight of what the culture, values, history and traditions of the country are. Some of my favourite Korean dramas have been Sageuks (historical dramas) where I was awestruck by the gorgeous traditional costumes and cinematography. This in itself, is an extremely rewarding experience.

2. You will probably pick up on a few handy Korean phrases

Once you’re in deep, it’s likely that you’ve been procrastinating on that essay and marathoning 24/7. You’ve forgotten the last time you were up to date with the ‘normal’ music or TV-shows that all of your friends listen to. Once you’ve reached this spiritual nirvana, you’ll be pleased to know that you’ve naturally picked up on a few very basic Korean phrases and can add “foreign language skills” to your resume. Just please make sure you don’t sound like those cringey Koreaboos.

3. You will look beyond stereotypes and learn to appreciate the differences

As mentioned earlier, K-pop and K-dramas are undeservingly notorious for being too “cheesy”, “overly-dramatic” or “weird”. Just because their style might be different to what you’re used to seeing in Western entertainment doesn’t mean that it’s any lesser in quality. If you’re willing to give it a crack with an open mind, you’ll see these stereotypes crash down and realise that the “weirdness” is merely a difference - and that once you look beyond, you’ll be engrossed in all the various aspects K-entertainment has to offer!

So yeah! Hopefully by now we’re far past the stereotypes that ruin the reputation of K-pop and K-dramas and you’re all ready to be enlightened by this new world. So brace yourself for all the experiences that await you and go start marathoning!

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